The Cultural committee committee had organized First Prize Distribution Ceremony on Friday 3rd January 2025 under the guidance of the Respected Principal
Mr. Prashant More Sir, Supervisor Mr. Ajit Sonawane Sir(Arts and Commerce), and
Supervisor Mrs. Swati Patil Madam (Science).For today’s program,Hon.Smt.Vrushali Waghmare Ex corporator PMC
were present.
Our guest did worship of the goddess Sarswati.Nextly,Mrs Nilima Shinde Madam garlands photo of “Savitribai Phule” on the occasion of birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule -Women’s educator.
A total of 252 students felicitated through this program for the success in Cultural,Co-curricular,Science,Sports, Olympiad,Subjectwise activities and N.S.S. activities.
At the end,the special award was given to Mast.Chaitanya Kharmate as an ‘ Exemplary Student.’
The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Aparna Madam.